Advantages and disadvantages of esports

Esports is a type of video game, which is played online between players. The electronic device used in esports gaming platforms can be a computer, a console, or an approachable device like a phone or tablet. Everything has positive as well as negative sides. In the same way, esports has also its advantage and disadvantages. The positive side of playing a sport is that they can improve their mental skills and teach them knowledge about the sports. The negative side is it makes players aggressive and obsessed which can make them spend too much time in online gaming.

In this article, we are going to explain the esports advantage and disadvantages. In today’s world, it is difficult to find a house that does not have a desktop or a phone, or a computer. Both young and adults spend several hours before desktop or console for playing esports games.

Advantages of esports

Advantages of esports games

Among some of the advantages, the pupil mentioned while playing esports are

  • Improvement in physical and mental skills:  It is proven from many studies that playing esports daily can improve visual attention. When we play esports online, we need proper concentration. This concentration will affect our visual attention and we can easily discriminate objects by their shape and color.
  • Leisure and entertainment: it also worked as a stress reliever. When we play online esports, we feel relaxed. It will also help in removing boredom arising from daily activities. 
  • Didactic use of esports gaming: Esports can help people who are not playful in context. Therefore while playing online games and interact with people can help in motivation for young people minors as well as children who have a disability in learning. 
  • Promotes positive values. It promotes values such as friendship, cohesion, solidarity, and a sense of belonging among the players. Parents must take the advantage of these types to improve the family relation between their children.
  •  Develops empathy: in esports, the player has to play in groups. Therefore to take any decision the player has to think about the consequences on the team. So it develops a sense of empathy.  

The disadvantage of using esports

In addition, to the advantages mentioned above there are many negative effects of esports on people who are using them:

  • Addiction: it is very common to hear about people that they are addicted to esports. It not only affects mental health but also hampers the studies among the young generation.
  • Increase in violent and aggressive reactions among the player: We know that esports is sometimes aggressive and violent. Some contents of esports not only affect physical aggression but also enters the ideologies of the player. 
  • Decrease in socialization:  This negative effect is directly linked to addiction. Children who are addicted to esports are least interactive with other children resulting in non developing a sense of belonging.
  • Impact on the lives of the player: With the decrease in socialization among the adults and children it will also affect the performance of the individual players in school or job. It will also generally affect the day-to-day life of the player and family.
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